Wannik Gunyah is a flexible residential psychosocial recovery program for young people who have experienced serious mental health issues. Wannik Gunyah also offers an outreach service for young people with dual-diagnosis, aged 16 to 24, who have the skills to live in the community with outreach support.
Personal Helpers and Mentors Program (PHaMs)
Gippsland PHaMs offers an outreach service for people whose ability to manage their daily activities is affected by mental illness and who have the skills to live in the community with outreach support.
Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Program
This project gives priority to young Aboriginal people between the ages of 10 and 25 years who have been identified as having high-risk behaviours. It enhances the networks and referral pathways in caring for at-risk Aboriginal young people and their families with mainstream health and community services
Phone: 03 5176 1800/ 03 5136 5100