Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Eastern Melbourne PHN – Mercy Hospital: Reproductive Carrier Screening

This webinar provides information on everything you need know about reproductive carrier screening including:

– the difference between MBS screening and other screening options

– ordering the test

– providing your patients with information about inheritance

– when further partner testing is required.


  • Prof Dr Lisa Hui – Lisa is a maternal fetal medicine specialist at the Mercy Hospital for Women with special interests in prenatal screening and diagnosis. She is Director of Genetics at the Mercy Hospital for Women, a clinical academic in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Newborn Health at the University of Melbourne, and group leader of Reproductive Epidemiology at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. She is an active member of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis and an associate editor of its official scientific journal Prenatal Diagnosis.
  • Dr Lilian Downie MBBS FRACP PhD – Lilian is a paediatric clinical geneticist with a special interest in genomic newborn screening and prenatal diagnosis. She is a clinical geneticist in the perinatal service at the Mercy Hospital for Women and in the genomic laboratory at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Service in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Ms Melissa Graetz – Melissa is a senior Certified Genetic Counsellor and manager of the Genetics Department at Mercy Hospital for Women. With a background in social work she has been working as a prenatal genetic counsellor for more than 20 years. Melissa is committed to providing patient-centred care for women and their partners who receive a diagnosis of a genetic or fetal condition in their baby.

RACGP CPD: 1.5 hours Education Activity