Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Clinical Council Members

A key feature of Gippsland PHN is the Clinical Councils and the Community Advisory Commitee, ensuring community, local services and general practice is a major contributor to the organisation.

Clinical Council Members

It is integral to Gippsland PHN that general practice, other health professionals as well as consumers are centrally involved in the planning and decision making about health solutions.

Gippsland PHN Board
Community Advisory Committee
Clinical Council
Clinical Council
Dr Mitchell Kraan (Chair)
Dr Letitia Clark (Board sponsor)
Mary Sayers (Board sponsor)
Dr Elisabeth Wearne (Board sponsor)
Andrew Hobby (Board Sponsor)
Elizabeth Plunkett
Joelene Gathercole
Dr Kathryn Brotchie
Carlene Hurst
Denise Escreet
Sharyn Latham
Helen Spicer
Dr Sophie Lindstedt
Dr Lloyd Waters
John Nicolson
Kylie Lancaster
Lindy Thunder