Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Suicide Prevention Program


Stories are strong

Inspiring stories from people with lived experience of suicide and professionals working in the field.

Suicide Prevention podcasts

As part of the Suicide Prevention Trial in Gippsland, a suite of podcasts have been developed on a range of topics.


Free online suicide prevention training

Support directory

Gippsland Mental Health support directory webpage


Each year, about 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt, and approximately 3,000 die by suicide. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between 15 and 44 years of age, with young people more likely to take their own life than die in motor vehicle accidents.  Most people that die by suicide are aged over 35.

The impact of a suicide death has a profound effect on family and friends as well as the broader community.

The Gippsland PHN, supported by the Victorian Government, is conducting a Place-Based Suicide Prevention Trials project covering two sub-regional trial sites: Bass Coast/South Gippsland and Latrobe Valley.Gippsland PHN coordinate the project by facilitating the local community, health agencies, local governments, emergency services, schools and media outlets to collaborate on place-based suicide prevention strategies and activities. All activities are endorsed by the Suicide Prevention Working Group and people with lived experience of suicide prior to implementation.

The locations of the trial sites were announced as part of the release of the suicide prevention framework, with a commitment to begin operation during 2016/17. The Gippsland trial site funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is Latrobe Valley.

The Department of Health and Human Services have partnered with Gippsland PHN to deliver the trials. Gippsland PHN has contributed additional federal resources to expand the reach of the program. This contribution has funded an additional trial site for the Bass Coast local Government Area.

The Place Based Suicide Prevention (PBSP) trials project use a systems approach that works across the whole of community. This approach aims to reduce suicide deaths and suicide attempts by implementing community led, evidence-based interventions based on the Black Dog Institutes Lifespan Integrated Suicide Prevention model.

Gippsland suicide prevention resources

Flyer: PBSPT Bass Coast and Latrobe Valley 2019-2020.

Suicide prevention planning

Create a Suicide Prevention Action Plan with your own key activities by downloading the editable Community Action Plan Template, to be used with the Community Suicide Prevention Action Planning Resource.

GPHN Suicide Prevention Action Plan Template

For support, guidance or review of your suicide prevention plan contact Helen – Project Coordinator Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Reform