For Victorian Immunisation Schedule click here.
For Australian Department of Health information click here.
For Gippsland Health Pathways click here.
General practitioners are one of the key groups able to improve Australia’s childhood immunisation levels as they have significant contact with the target group—children under the age of seven.
Each consultation is an opportunity to monitor a child’s immunisation status and provide immunisation services if required. General practitioners have contact with other significant groups from the community who require monitoring of their immunisation status. These people include immigrants, newly arrived refugees, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and people wishing to travel overseas. General practices can also consider the special vaccination needs of their vulnerable populations such as those with chronic medical conditions and those over the age 65 years.
ASID Refugee Guidelines 2016
For newly arrived refugees (Royal Children’s Hospital)
Australian Federal Government Department of Health
Victorian Department Health – criteria for eligibility of free vaccine in Victoria
Health assessment for refugees and other humanitarian entrants Fact Sheet
Main office
11 Seymour Street, Traralgon, Gunaikurnai Country
13 McBride Avenue, Wonthaggi, Bunurong Country
119 Main Street, Bairnsdale, Gunaikurnai Country
Gippsland PHN is committed to providing inclusive services and work environments where people of all backgrounds, sexualities, genders, cultures, spiritual beliefs, age, bodies and abilities are valued, supported and celebrated.
Gippsland PHN acknowledges the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people/s as the traditional Custodians of Country across the Gippsland region.
We acknowledge the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people/s continuing connection to Land, Water and Community.
We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People/s, Cultures, and their Elders past and present.
We also recognise, respect and affirm the central role played in our work by people with lived experience, their families and/or carers.
Gippsland PHN acknowledges Alfie Hudson for the healing circles artwork. Alfie is a Gunai Kurnai man and created this artwork which represents health professionals being committed to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members for the best health outcomes.