Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Community Led Integrated Health Care



New primary healthcare services, designed by the people who will use them, were launched by Gippsland Primary Health Network on 1 July 2023.

The project titled Community Led Integrated Health Care, is a first for Gippsland and has its foundations in the Australian Government’s vision for national primary health care reform, delivering the type of service people say they want from healthcare providers – they don’t want to travel long distances for appointments; they don’t want to tell their story multiple times; and they don’t want to get lost in the system.

Key feedback from the Gippsland PHN Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025 also found consumers wanted improved access to more coordinated approaches to health care, which includes health professionals working together as team to better address their multiple needs.

The result is two new services – one based in the Latrobe Valley where children and their families can attend and have their health and social needs met at one place and the other in Far East Gippsland where a new model of care, including the use of augmented reality, is taking health services to the communities.

The two services:

Latrobe Valley – Latrobe Community Health Service and Berry Street

The Latrobe Valley model is a clinic for children from disadvantaged backgrounds that provides care coordination, transport assistance and a multi-disciplinary approach to address family needs.

Based at Latrobe Community Health Service’s Churchill site, this innovative clinic is an integrated health and welfare service model for vulnerable children and families living in Latrobe.

They also support families experiencing violence, new parents and young children by identifying patients at risk.

Far East Gippsland – Orbost Regional Health and Deddick Valley Isolated Community Group

Orbost Regional Health and the Deddick Valley Isolated Community Group are delivering a new model of care that has seen Service Hubs set up in local communities.

A care coordinator visits these hubs to support residents with chronic health conditions, monitoring and evaluating their symptoms and connecting them to specialists for diagnosis. The care coordinator supports residents with disabilities in identifying and advocating for their needs, helping with access to services, funding and care plans.