Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Practice Manager Education Workshop – Gippsland PHN

Are you a Practice Manager in Gippsland?  

Gippsland PHN would like to invite all Gippsland based Practice Managers to attend a Practice Manager Education Workshop.

Gippsland PHN would like to welcome back Wendy O’Meara from Larter Consulting. 

Wendy has worked in general practice for 22 years with the last 12 years as practice manager in a large regional practice in Victoria.

At the workshop Wendy will discuss: 

  • Recall the Workforce incentive payment (WIP) guidelines, and how we can maximise our payment streams and remain compliant
  • Recognise the tremendous value the integration of allied health/multidisciplinary care brings to our practice and patients.
  • Describe the changes to Chronic Disease Management from July 1, 2025 and how we can prepare
  • Understand the GPACI and services required to meet payment criteria.

If you have any questions, there is an opportunity to pre submit during your registration process and we will pass them on to Wendy prior to event.

Wendy will be presenting in Traralgon Gippsland PHN Office and we will be live streaming to locations in Bairnsdale, Sale and Leongatha we will also offer an online registration.

Afternoon tea will be available at all venues.

Gippsland PHN looks forward to meeting with you on this day.

Traralgon – Register here

Bairnsdale – Register here

Sale – Register here 

Leongatha – Register here 

Can’t get to one of the venues above and don’t want to miss out? Register for Online – Register here