Gippsland Primary Health Network’s 2022 Stakeholder Survey was used to gather feedback from providers and to see if there has been any improvement in the Net Promoter Score from last year.
The stakeholder group surveyed included General Practice, Pharmacy, Commissioned Service providers, Aged Care and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. Most responses came from General Practice and Commissioned Services with 36% each. Responses within Local Government Areas was led by East Gippsland with a 29% response rate and Latrobe with a 21% response rate.
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) was yielded by asking respondents to rate how likely they would be to recommend doing business with Gippsland PHN on a scale of 0 to 10 (least likely to most likely). A Promoter Score is considered to be a rating of nine or 10. A Detractor Score is considered to be a rating of less than six.
Read more details here…Stakeholder survey feedback