Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

ePrescriptions are changing

“Active Script list” will soon integrate into the My Health app. Active Script List (ASL) contains a consolidated list of a patient’s active prescriptions.

The benefits of an Active Script List include:

  • patients no longer need to keep track of the SMS or email tokens. This information will now be stored in one consolidated list.
  • Patients don’t need to worry about misplacing token/s and getting them reissued, and
  • it may be more convenient for patients who take multiple medicines.

Previously an individual could only register for an ASL at a pharmacy. However now, general practice software enables prescribers to register individuals for an ASL. By talking to your patients about registering for an ASL, you can help them use electronic prescriptions, removing the need for them to manage multiple tokens on their mobile device. Once they have an ASL, any electronic prescription created is automatically added to their ASL (unless the patient asks the prescriber/dispenser not to) and the patient does not need to present a token at the pharmacy to get their script filled.

Electronic prescriptions continue to provide Australians with convenient access to their medicines and improve safety by reducing the risk of transcription errors. Overall, over 225 million electronic prescriptions have been created to date which includes 95 million created by doctors and 129 million created by pharmacies (repeats).

My Script List (MySL) has been created in-line with the Australian Digital Health Agency and Department of Health conformance profile to be integrated into My Health Record and Active Script Lists.


Find out more:

Fact sheet: Electronic Prescriptions: An overview for prescribers

Information about the My Script List service for Patients and Carers

Webinar: Role of mobile apps in managing electronic prescriptions

Webinar: Reducing Medication Mishaps and Adding Value to Clinical Practice with My Health Record

Introduction to Active Script List for Prescribers

Electronic prescriptions and Active Script List in your practice

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