Free skin checks will be provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Gippsland.
Gippsland Primary Health Network is partnering with five Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), across six sites to host visits from mobile skin check clinic, Your Skin Scan in November 2023 and January 2024.
The first round consists of ‘Your Skin Scan’ performing skin checks on eligible Aboriginal and/or Torres strait Islander patients identified by their local ACCO. At the conclusion of round one, patients requiring further follow-up will be identified and booked in for the second round checks or referred on to additional services.
The clinic’s lead clinician is a qualified clinical nurse consultant and nurse practitioner with more than 10 years working in the field of melanoma and skin cancer.
Gippsland PHN Acting Chief Executive Officer, Angela Jacob, said cancer screening saved lives. “It helps to keep our communities strong, safe and healthy,” Mrs Jacob said.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians have a five-year survival rate of 59 per cent after being diagnosed with melanoma compared to 71 per cent for other Victorians. An earlier diagnosis means a greater ability to treat and a chance of survival.
“If you put off or missed a cancer screening test during the pandemic, make sure you catch up.”