Gippsland Primary Health Network undertakes a survey each year to gather feedback from stakeholders about doing business with the organisation and to measure a Net Promoter Score.
Net Promoter Score is a simple and effective way to measure how well we are serving our stakeholders. In our case, it measures how likely our stakeholders would be to recommend doing business with us.
It is calculated from a single question: On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend doing business with Gippsland PHN?
This year, a total of 53 stakeholders responded to the survey, an increase of 23% from last year. This included responses from commissioned service providers, general practices, pharmacy and residential aged care homes.
Gippsland PHN Chief Executive Officer, Amanda Proposch, welcomed the result. “Our latest Net Promoter Score results showed strong support from those we work with and are a reflection of the positive impact we are making,” Ms Proposch said.
“Our Net Promoter Score of 8.14 highlights our focus on quality and satisfaction as we continue to look at how we can improve what we do.”
The results showed:
- Promoters: 40%
- Passives: 28%
- Detractors: 32 %
Ms Proposch said a good response rate that was higher than in previous years indicated stakeholders were engaged and keen to provide feedback.
“This included recognition of responsiveness, knowledge, and capability across Gippsland PHN staff and positive working relationships and partnerships.”
The most common themes in terms of areas for improvement were to continue to work on improving reporting methods such as:
- Continuing to strive to reduce reporting burden and duplication, with clear communication on expectations
- Recognising flexibility required across differing providers in the market and across the region