The National Cervical Screening Program
The National Cervical Screening Program offers a five-yearly cervical screening test for women aged between 25 and 74. This revised program replaces the two-yearly Pap test. Women already having Pap tests, should have their first Cervical Screening Test when they are next due for a Pap test. Find out more on 13 15 56.
BreastScreen Australia
BreastScreen Australia is a national breast-screening program for well women without symptoms aged 50-69 years, although women aged 40-49 and 70 years and older are able to attend for screening. Book your free mammogram every two years by calling BreastScreen on 13 20 50.
The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program
The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program offers eligible Australians aged from 50 to 74 a chance to screen for bowel cancer using a free, simple test at home. Find out more on 1800 118 868