Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Rainbow Tick

Gippsland PHN's Commitment

At Gippsland PHN, we embrace the rich diversity of our communities and are dedicated to fostering safe and welcoming healthcare services across Gippsland. As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we are proud to be working towards achieving Rainbow Tick Accreditation, a quality framework that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and gender diverse, queer/questioning and Asexual/Aromantic (LGBTIQA+) individuals in accessing inclusive and safe healthcare.

It has been identified that the LGBTIQA+ community is at a higher risk of poor mental health coupled with lack of safe access in our rural and regional communities. The LGBTIQA+ community need improved and safe access to healthcare.

Working towards the Rainbow Tick Accreditation will allow Gippsland PHN to examine our procedures and culture to identify how we can become a safe environment. Our commitment is to examine our internal processes and to lead and support our commissioned services and general practices in inclusivity and safe care.

Gippsland PHN will promote and facilitate LGBTIQA+ inclusive practices across Gippsland by providing our commissioned services and primary health care providers, including GPs, with essential training and educational opportunities. We will also advocate for responsive, appropriate, safe and inclusive health services tailored to the needs of the LGBTIQA+ community.

Below are resources for health professionals and the wider Gippsland community

Feedback from our community members is actively sought, enabling us to continuously improve our inclusivity efforts. Contact Gippsland PHN at either or to express your interest or request further information.

Gippsland PHN LGBTIQA+ Issue Paper

Gippsland PHN advocates for strategic health planning in priority and emerging areas by bringing together local data and intelligence from Gippsland PHN teams and Advisory Group members. Issues papers are then created from this feedback. See the Priority Issues Paper on LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing.