Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Safe Information Sharing in Healthcare – Victorian PHNs

Join Katrina Otto (Train IT Medical) and the Victorian PHNs in Privacy Awareness Week to discuss how information can be securely and efficiently shared amongst healthcare providers.

This webinar will discuss the responsibilities and risks associated with sharing patient information amongst healthcare providers, and what the options and solutions available to use are.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand your responsibilities when sharing patient information.
  • Understand what secure messaging is and why you would use it.
  • Understand the current difficulties and barriers to using secure messaging and how to overcome them.

This webinar is hosted by Western Victorian PHN and Murray PHN as part of a suite of webinars developed in collaboration with Eastern Melbourne PHN, South Eastern Melbourne PHN, North Western Melbourne PHN and Gippsland PHN.

Registration, attendance and evaluation data will be shared with participating PHNs for the purpose of reporting, quality improvement and to deliver post-event support. Deidentified data will be shared with the Australian Digital Health Agency.