Gippsland Primary Health Network is seeking healthcare providers to identify and fill any service gaps in the existing Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) Service program being delivered across the region.
With support from the Australian Government, Gippsland PHN has funds available to provide additional services that complement existing CPS services.
The CPS program is designed to increase access to enhanced primary mental health services for Gippsland people who live with or are at risk of severe and complex mental health issues. It provides non-clinical community-based supports to facilitate recovery through a range of services designed to help people manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, build social skills and participate in education and employment.
An Expression of Interest is sought from NDIS providers, community groups, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and any other healthcare or community organisation to deliver the services from 1 March 2024 to 30 June 2025. The EOI closes on Friday 17 November 2023.
A non-mandatory online Pre-Procurement Session will be held on Thursday 26 October at 10am to discuss the program and provide an opportunity to ask questions. The EOI will be released on 30 October 2023 with an online information session on Wednesday 8 November 2023 from 1-2pm.
Read the guidelines here.