Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Expression of Interest for GPs interested in cancer screening project

Gippsland Primary Health Network is inviting Gippsland general practices to participate in the Maximising Cancer Screening Outreach Project – General Practice Quality Improvement Activity.

Expressions of interest are now open, closing on Friday 20 January 2023. The project period is from February 2023 to April 2023.

Practices will choose a focal cancer screening type (bowel, breast, cervical or hepatitis B and C testing) and will be supported by Gippsland PHN project staff to embed screening activities.

Clinics will be reimbursed through a grant of $12,000. Only a limited number of practices can participate so secure your place by applying as soon as possible.

For further information about this grant opportunity, contact the Digital Health and Integration team Gippsland PHN – / To apply go to the folio link here

See the details here EOI Flyer – Maximising Cancer Screening Outreach Project GP QI

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