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Health update on monkeypox (MPX) vaccination – 7 November 2022

Status: Active

Date issued: 7 November 2022 (update from CHO alert 18 October 2022)

Issued by: Associate Professor Deborah Friedman, Deputy Chief Health Officer (Communicable Disease)

Issued to: Health professionals and the Victorian community

Key messages

  • An increased supply of MPX vaccines is now available in Victoria.
  • Vaccination eligibility criteria have been expanded to allow more people to be vaccinated against MPX.
  • The second dose of MPX vaccine is also now available for those who have received their first dose more than 28 days ago.
  • MPX vaccine is available free-of-charge for eligible people through Local Public Health Units and certain sexual health clinics and health services.
  • MPX continues to spread in many countries. In Victoria, the risk of local transmission linked to international travel remains.
  • People with symptoms of MPX should seek medical care and testing and restrict contact with others until advised.
  • Clinicians should test for MPX in all patients presenting with compatible symptoms.
  • Read the full advisory: Health update on monkeypox (MPX) vaccination

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