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Updated measles alert for Melbourne Airport and plane passengers

Date issued: 23 02 2024

Issued by: Dr Clare Looker, Chief Health Officer

Issued to: Health professionals and the Victorian community

Key messages

  • A second case of measles has been reported in a returned overseas traveller. The new case transited through Melbourne Airport while infectious on 19 February 2024 before travelling to New South Wales.
  • This follows a case of measles in a returned overseas traveller who transited through Melbourne Airport while infectious on 14 and 15 February 2024 while travelling to South Australia. See table below for exposure site details of both cases.
  • Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can spread from person-to-person and potentially lead to serious health complications.
  • People who have attended the listed exposure sites during the specified dates and times should monitor for symptoms of measles.
  • Anyone who develops symptoms of measles should seek medical care. Wear a mask and call ahead to make sure you can be isolated from others.
  • Anyone who is immunocompromised, pregnant or not fully vaccinated for measles and who attended a Monday 19 February listed exposure site should contact their GP to discuss post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Healthcare professionals should be alert for measles in patients with fever and rash, particularly those who have recently returned from overseas or attended a listed exposure site during the specified period.
  • Suspected cases should be tested, advised to isolate, and notified to the Department of Health immediately by calling 1300 651 160.
  • Offer free measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to people born during or after 1966 who do not have documentation of having received two doses of measles-containing vaccine. Vaccinate all individuals who are unsure of their vaccination history, regardless of Medicare status.
  • There is no need to check measles serology prior to vaccination.
  • Anyone planning overseas travel should make sure they have received appropriate travel vaccinations.
  • Read the full alert: Updated measles alert for Melbourne Airport and plane passengers

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