Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Heart health the focus of Heart Week 2022

This upcoming Heart Week (2-8 May 2022) presents an opportunity for health professionals and the public to start a conversation about heart health and take steps to reduce their risk of heart disease.

The Heart Foundation is encouraging GPs, nurses and general practice staff to deliver Heart Health Checks for more eligible Australians.

With one Australian suffering from a heart attack or stroke every four minutes, general practice teams have the power to change this statistic by focusing on simple, routine practices that have a measurable lifesaving impact.

In Gippsland, mortality rates due to coronary heart disease are high in Latrobe and Wellington (age-standardised rates of 79.9 and 78.3 deaths per 100,000 people, compared to 59.8 across Australia). For more details, see the Gippsland PHN Health Needs Assessment here (

The Heart Foundation encourages general practice networks to get ready for Heart Week by visiting the Heart Foundation’s Heart Week webpage to:

  • Download your Heart Week digital promotional pack here
    • Order your print promotional pack
    • Make a splash for Heart Week at your practice and enter our competition
    • Register and tune in for our Heart Week clinical webinar on the latest evidence on cholesterol management
    • Use the Heart Health Check Toolkit to plan and implement Heart Health Checks
    • Spread the word to your community and network.

The Heart Foundation is also hosting a clinical webinar: Lipid lowering landscape – New and emerging treatment approaches

  • Date: Wednesday 4 May 2022
  • Where: Online (Zoom)
  • Time: 7-8pm
  • Accreditation: This webinar has been accredited by the RACGP for 2 CPD points (Activity no. 337635).

Register here

Look out for new resources and information released in the lead up to and during Heart Week.

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