Gippsland Primary Health Network Manager, Jared Slater, has been elected to the Victorian Branch of the Australian Institute for Digital Health (AIHD).
Jared is the Manager of Digital Health and Integration at Gippsland PHN, leading a team in developing and implementing Digitally Enabled Models of Care for the Gippsland community.
The AIHD’s vision is ‘healthier lives, digitally enabled’ with its focus on three priority areas – leadership and advocacy; workforce advancement; and community engagement. State and territory branch committees work in the community engagement space, providing a forum for discussing digital health and health informatics issues, and providing opportunities to keep up to date with a vast array of digital health developments.
“The health system doesn’t serve everyone equally and faces challenges with an ageing population and growing health needs, all factors that are particularly felt in rural and regional areas like Gippsland,” Jared said.
“Consumer surveys find 70% of Australians are willing to use virtual healthcare services and 80% are ready to share their health data in a digitally enabled health system.
“A digitally enabled health system can empower patients to more easily navigate and access care, support data sharing and digital workflows that support administrative workloads and allows people to take an active role in their health and remain connected.”
Jared’s Gippsland PHN team works with the primary care sector and patients across Gippsland to support adoption of a digitally supported health system in an accessible, safe and effective manner.
He has a special interest in rural and remote areas, starting his career as a clinician (optometrist) in remote Australian communities. Since then, he has worked in clinical research and digital health for private health organisations with experience in medical devices, Electronic Medical Record development, health system connectivity and integration.
Jared’s aim from his new appointment is to bring a regional digital health voice to the AIDH Victorian branch.