An extensive picture of Gippsland’s health and wellbeing has been detailed in the Gippsland Primary Health Network’s Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025.
A requirement from the Australian Government’s Department of Health every three years, the previous assessment was updated in 2021 with new information gathered from people across Gippsland through surveys, interviews and workshops.
The data were collected and analysed by Gippsland PHN’s Health Planning, Research and Evaluation team with an expert priority setting group helping to identify priority areas for the next three years. The 274 page report was submitted to the government in November 2021 and recently approved.
Gippsland PHN Chief Executive Officer, Amanda Proposch, said the Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025 built on previous analysis by using recently released data, input from ongoing stakeholder consultation and learnings from the monitoring and evaluation of commissioning activities.
Ms Proposch said as well as providing data on a range of issues such as prevention, better health services, main health issues and supporting people, the report captured feedback from the community.
“People in Gippsland tell us about their lived experience across a range of areas which is important to identifying any service gaps,” she said.
“Population health planning is an ongoing activity at Gippsland PHN with the Health Needs Assessment a significant part of this work. We will now use this information to work with our partners towards our vision of a measurably healthier Gippsland.”