New primary healthcare services, designed by the people who will use them, will be launched by Gippsland Primary Health Network on 1 July 2023.
The trial project, a first for Gippsland, has its foundations in the Australian Government’s vision for national primary health care reform, delivering the type of service people say they want from healthcare providers – they don’t want to travel long distances for appointments; they don’t want to tell their story multiple times; and they don’t want to get lost in the system.
Key feedback from the Gippsland PHN Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025 also found consumers wanted improved access to more coordinated approaches to health care, which includes health professionals working together as team to better address their multiple needs.
Gippsland PHN Acting Chief Executive Officer, Angela Jacob, said Gippsland had a high prevalence of chronic conditions, high levels of socio-economic disadvantage and lower access to allied and other health services when compared to other regions in Victoria. Gippslanders often experience barriers to access and disparities in health outcomes.
“Our community voices were saying the same things,” Mrs Jacob said. “People want health services and health professionals to work together, and even if they live in a remote area, they want the same access as their city counterparts.”
Read the full media release, including information about the two services and feedback from the community.
Pictured top (from left) at the launch were Latrobe Community Health Service CEO, Ben Leigh, Orbost Regional Health CEO, Dr Lindy Washington, Gippsland PHN Acting CEO, Angela Jacob and East Gippsland Shire Deputy Mayor, Cr Arthur Allen.
Below left (from left) Latrobe Community Health Service CEO, Ben Leigh, Latrobe Health Assembly CEO, Ellen-Jane Browne, Latrobe Health Advcocate Jane Anderson, Gippsland PHN Acting CEO Angela Jacob, Latrobe City Councillor Tracie Lund and Morwell MLA, Martin Cameron.
Below right (from left) Latrobe Community Health Service CEO, Ben Leigh, LCHS Executive Director Primary Care, Andrina Romano, Gippsland PHN Acting CEO Angela Jacob and LCHS Manager Paediatric and Youth Hub, Selina Northover.