Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Palliative Care Quality Improvement Toolkit for general practice

Gippsland Primary Health Network is rolling out a project to develop a quality improvement approach to palliative care in Gippsland and strengthen the capacity to embed interventions into everyday clinical practice.

Four Gippsland general practices including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations will be invited to participate by applying for a grant of $8,500 as part of the Australian Government’s Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care Measure.

Over a 12-month period, the successful practices will use the funding to participate in quality improvement activities using the Palliative Care Quality Improvement Toolkit, developed by Gippsland PHN in conjunction with Murray and Western Victoria PHNs.

Key objectives will be to:

  • Optimise quality of life focused care strategies in general practices through timely identification of patients living with life limiting illnesses;
  • Improve palliative care registries including, but not limited to, advance care plans, wishes and goals of care of patients and elected medical guardian;
  • Using data driven solutions to determine potential areas of improvement;
  • Support practices to redesign care, systems, processes and workflows to embed quality of life focused strategies;
  • Improve general practice staff capacity and capability to respond to the needs of patients living with life limiting illnesses; and
  • Build capacity through collaborative education and communities of practice.


For more information or to lodge an Expression of Interest, click here.

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