Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

About Us

Gippsland PHN aims to improve health outcomes of everyone in our region.

Amanda Proposch Gippsland PHN CEO

Gippsland PHN

Gippsland PHN’s vision and strategic purpose is for a measurably healthier Gippsland. We recognise we must think beyond health to achieve this vision and strategic purpose, and have an impact at a population health level.

our purpose, vision and values:

our vision and strategic purpose
A measurably healthier Gippsland.
our values

Community centred
Ethical and respectful

what we do
Gippsland PHN is a trusted, authoritative and credible source of information; a vehicle for collaboration and a strong advocate, essential to local decision-making and capacity building.
our functions:
Primary Care
Designing for
Seamless Care
our strategic objectives
progress priority issues

The most needed health issues are understood and invested in using local strengths.

Strengthen workforce capability

Professionals and providers have knowledge, use best practice and improve skills.

exceptional organisation
We operate in a financially sustainable manner, with strong governance and staff who are capable, engaged and well led.
Commission for service access

People can access services at the right time and in the right place, especially where gaps exist and in hard to reach locations.

seamless care

Community, consumers, carers, professionals and providers work together.

See the attached PDF below to read the 2023-25 Strategic Plan on a page

2023-25 Strategic Plan on a page

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (Modern Slavery Act 2018)

we will achieve our objectives through:

Intended Outcomes

  • Population level issues and trends are understood, forecast, and shared.
  • Key regional and local issues are prioritised for action.
  • Critical issues are advocated for in relevant settings.
  • Impacts of, and evidence for, our investments are demonstrated.

Intended outcomes

  • Clinical improvement activities highly subscribed and routine.
  • Clinicians have access to best practice training and education.
  • People in Gippsland know about their health and local health services.
  • Primary Care providers attract and retain staff, and are supported to deliver safe, high quality services.

Intended outcomes

  • Consumers are supported to use technology and other means to improve local access to services and reduce demand burden and bottlenecks within physical/inperson services.
  • Service delivery commissioned to address gaps in local communities.
  • Access pressures are reduced (affordability, transport).
  • People and places in Gippsland experiencing the most need have access to appropriate services.

Intended outcomes

  • Consumers own and use their own data.
  • Primary care providers connect to each other, with diagnostics providers, community health and hospitals.
  • Agencies use collaborative processes to enable seamless consumer care.