Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

Asthma in Spring – Allergies and Thunderstorms

Brought to you by the National Asthma Council Australia as part of the Asthma & Lung Health Best Practice for Professionals Program and Murray PHN.

This webinar series will cover the essentials of best-practice asthma and respiratory management for primary care health professionals.

All Health Professionals are welcomeGeneral Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Pharmacists, Aboriginal Health Practitioners, Physiotherapists, and other Allied Health Professionals.

Learning outcomes:

• Define the pathophysiology of asthma

• Identify the steps involved in the diagnosis of asthma – referring to the Australian Asthma Handbook

• Summaries the important information to be included in a Written Asthma Action Plan

This is an RACGP approved CPD activity under the RACGP CPD Program: Activity number 408572, Educational Activities 1 CPD hour.

ACRRM CPD approved activity. Activity number: 29833