Gippsland Women’s Health in collaboration with the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia are running a free information session for health professionals.
Pelvic Pain affects 1 in 5 women and 1 in 12 men at some time in their life – yet it is a condition that is rarely discussed. As most types of pelvic pain cannot be diagnosed with blood tests or scans, it is common for people with this problem to suffer from pelvic pain for years before finding the help they need. It is estimated that over 300 million people world-wide suffer from pelvic pain, and anecdotal evidence suggests this number is understated and growing rapidly.
The session will cover:
- Explanation of PPEP Talk® and PPFA
- PPEP Talk® description and statistics
- Validated tools for period and pelvic pain
- Research on symptomatology of pelvic pain
- Benefits of multi-disciplinary care
- Summary of symptoms suggestive of Pelvic Muscle involvement
- Overview of the role of diet in managing pelvic pain
- Way to promote patient self-efficacy
- How to become involved with PPFA
More details and registration can be found here