Creating a healthier, better connected Gippsland.

PHN Eastern Melbourne – Lunch and learn: Quality improvement activity – Life! program

In this quality improvement webinar, learn how to identify and engage eligible patients for the Life! program and tips on how to integrate these activities into your
daily workflows.

The Life! program is a free Victorian Government funded lifestyle modification program to help delay or prevent the onset of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

In this session, credentialled diabetes educator, Kim Welch, will discuss engaging patients into their health, using financial incentives to run preventative activities, tools to identify patients at risk and the right language to motivate patients into a lifestyle modification program. Participants will receive Life! program resources, POLAR/Walrus data tool walkthroughs to identify eligible patients and quality improvement activity resources to support you and your practice team with integrating this program into your general practice.


– Outline the Life! program and referral processes

– Implement Life! program into daily practice workflows and understand the related financial incentives utilise effective language and motivation to
engage patients into attending appointments and the Life! program

– Identify eligible patients at risk for the Life! program using the POLAR Walrus notification tool

– Implement a Life! program quality improvement activity.