Gippsland Primary Health Network launched its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with a “Thank You” event on 19 April 2023 for all those who had helped in its development.
Aunty Christine Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monaro Ngarigo elder, gave a Welcome to Country and Gunaikurnai man, Tre Moffat, performed the Smoking Ceremony before Gippsland PHN Chair, Therese Tierney, thanked the many people and organisations who had assisted in the development of the RAP.
Ms Tierney said the RAP made a commitment to strive for equitable health and wellbeing, guided by the diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices. She also assured the RAP “would not just be a book on a shelf but a living document” to guide the organisation.
Since 2006, RAPs have provided a framework for organisations to be inclusive in their work and contribute to and advance national reconciliation.
In the RAP, Gippsland PHN acknowledges the past and present trauma and injustices that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have endured, and continue to endure, over the course of colonisation and will allow Gippsland PHN to continuously develop their reconciliation commitments.
Gippsland PHN’s vision for reconciliation is to address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights to equity of access to culturally safe and inclusive primary health care in Gippsland. Read the RAP in full at
Our pictures below show Aunty Christine Johnson who performed the Welcome to Country, Tre Moffat who carried out the Smoking Ceremony and Gippsland PHN Chair Therese Tierney as well as Gippsland PHN staff and guests.