Gippsland Primary Health Network is seeking feedback on its processes for grant applications, expressions of interest and request for tenders.
Gippsland PHN is holding a series of consultations to understand the enablers and barriers health services, Residential Aged Care Facilities and primary care providers may have experienced in the past when applying for funding.
Feedback is also being sought on the types of training or supports that would make it easier to apply for funding in the future.
Gippsland PHN has engaged an independent contractor who will ensure feedback from the consultations is de-identified. The consultation findings will be used to develop training, tools and templates to support applicants to apply for Gippsland PHN’s future funding opportunities.
To participate, you can:
- Join the online consultation workshop – Wednesday 29 March from 1-2pm via zoom – click here to register
- Email to request a one-on-one meeting to provide feedback over the phone
- Complete a 6-8 minute survey available here